LSI’s Record-Setting Sales are Celebrated with AMBI’s Stunning Creative Direction and Deliverables

LSI Sales Conference Logo

LSI—A lighting industry powerhouse since 1976—celebrated a year of record sales with their 2024 sales conference by recruiting AMBI to inspire their employees to continue their successes with themed videos, signage, activity items, and more.

The Problem

LSI Needed a Special Surprise for Their Team

LSI’s 2023 sales exceeded previous records and executives formulated a plan to surprise and inspire their sales staff to aim even higher. Their plan was to provide a unique conference experience with a particular focus on teamwork, confidence-building, public speaking, and bolstering their understanding of the market—so they looked to AMBI. To preserve the integrity of the surprise, the LSI team moved past their internal team and trusted AMBI to deliver a high-quality experience because of its familiarity with the brand and industry.

The Task

Celebrating a Milestone Without Complacency

Since this sales milestone is momentous for LSI, their leadership wanted to ensure their staff would continue firing on all cylinders, rather than grow complacent and stagnant. They needed a conference that would inspire their staff to accelerate this exponential growth. To that end, LSI asked AMBI to craft a unique, intricate, and enthralling sales experience that actively engages all of the team members based around the popular reality TV show, The Amazing Race. AMBI’s insightful event activations and deliverables needed to be delicately co-branded between LSI and The Amazing Race, ensuring the LSI brand was perfectly blended into the iconic elements of The Amazing Race. AMBI was tasked with supplying those physical deliverables, in addition to the abstract ideation for event activations, gamification for the attendees, and more.

Sales Conference Attendee

The Deliverables

After determining the co-branding look and feel, AMBI created an in-depth library of deliverables for the event that mesh the requirements from LSI with a signature creative flair. These deliverables came in the form of event signage, themed attendee collateral, custom-designed clue envelopes, sales hype/sizzle video and script, and more.

Event Signage

AMBI designed and facilitated implementation of event signage that would maintain the immersive theme of The Amazing Race while also serving as valuable wayfinding tools for attendees. AMBI also facilitated the sourcing and delivery of all printed assets.

Motivational Kickoff Video

AMBI collaborated directly with LSI executive sales leadership to produce a that would inspire the audience, and set the tone for the conference as a whole. The video and script truly captured the goals of the conference with inspiring visuals, uplifting commentary, and thoughtful voiceover—calling on every attendee to take action in the days to come.

Attendee Collateral

AMBI drafted and implemented several unique branded items for the event’s guests that remained on brand for both LSI and The Amazing Race. All attendees received branded name tags that contained all of their personal information. They also received a comprehensive event brochure, one that summarized the event’s meaning, schedule, and other pertinent information. Finally, they were given custom made envelopes that reflected the content of the event and The Amazing Race to make the activities more engrossing. AMBI thoroughly researched the source material on The Amazing Race to design these envelopes and clue cards as accurately and creatively as possible. After the research, AMBI created four days worth of cards for every team activity, all centered around the theme of teamwork.


Finally, to complete the event and ensure attendees had a memorable experience, AMBI designed several take-home swag items including shirts, backpacks, lanyards, and stickers.

Window Clings

The Results

A Goal Met,
A Race Won

AMBI guided LSI to create a truly unique, immersive, and uplifting sales event that attendees rated as their best conference experience to date. The event encouraged and engaged their sales associates to continue their amazing performances into the coming year, while keeping the themes of teamwork and confidence as a focal point. From a survey of the event attendees, roughly 90% rated their experience as a perfect four out of four. LSI sought to improve on their sales conference every year, and AMBI ensured that goal was met, and exceeded.

Attendees Kneeling
Pull Up Banners
Sales Conference Speakers